Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Step Outside The Box

This past weekend I literally stepped outside the box. I participated in a mounted police training session with my 3 yr. old horse Diego. I am NOT a daredevil at all. This was an activity that was FAR outside my zone of comfort. It was liberating and thrilling to realize that I am much more capable than I thought. This was more than a horse lesson. It was a life lesson. Sometimes you need to shake it up a bit and reach outside your comfort zone. Open yourself to a new experience.

Monday, September 22, 2008

Getting Involved

I have volunteered to be my community organizer for the Democrats. This is quite a step for me as I have always found politics to be a very personal issue. I can be a bit ambivalent about party politics and have never been officially involved in politics in any capacity. Despite my ambivalence, I have faithfully voted in every election since I turned 18. I think it is a huge privileged to be able to vote and we all must give our opinion and support to the candidate that most closely mirrors our views on how we want our country to be run. I have long felt that at the very least, if the candidate that I support doesn't get elected, I have the right to say that the woes of my country are NOT MY FAULT! So please, regardless of your beliefs, educate yourselves on all of the issues that effect you lives and VOTE for someone. This country is too precious to entrust it's care to someone you do not believe will do a good job.

Thursday, September 18, 2008

My Favorite Stock Options.....

After much debate and self rationalizing.... we have added a new member to our family. Cyder-Ella is a wonderful little pony that we found for my daughter right before the current stock market issues arose. Many of my close friends work as stock brokers and financial planners. They have encouraged me to invest in the market over the years. We have put most of our money in to our home (real estate is a great long term investment, even with the hit that the market has taken lately!) I love to tell people that the only stock that I own has four legs.....So many farms and stables are in trouble financially and need homes for some really wonderful and experienced horses and ponies. Cynder has settled in to our fabulous boarding stable without any issues at all. I am excited to be able to share one of my lifelong pursuits with my daughter!