Saturday, November 1, 2008

Please VOTE!

This election is stacking up to be one of the most important elections of my lifetime and yours. Our economy is in recession. Our children are being denied the same quality of education that we recieved. For one of the first times in the history of our country, we are less well off than our parents, and our children may be less well off than we are..... Please check out this website for a wonderful post that outlines some critical issues in the election that are close to my heart.

I have a wide range of friends from across this country. There is so much fear out there regarding accepting that it is time for a change. I want everyone in our country to use their voice and vote. Educate yourself on all of the issues. Don't give in to fear. Vote your heart, but regardless of how you vote please, vote. Hopefully the votes will actually be counted this time!

1 comment:

Karma said...

Oooh Nina! People underestimate the unity of the Gammons/Rhubart force! Thanks for your comments! Tomorrow should be a good day :-)