Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Check Out This Link

In a typical Democratic or even REPUBLICAN manner, our country, the great old USA is having a DEBATE about health care. If 87% of the people want something, you would think that the debate would be short lived. After all, isn't our government based on the idea of MAJORITY RULE? It is somewhat confusing. I mean, I wasn't a Political Science major in college, I am just a lawyer which in no way qualifies me to actually interpret LAW, but, seriously, this seems pretty easy.....

But then, I guess we are a country for the gullible, the EASILY DUPED, a country that reads the National Enquirer and BELIEVES. We are a country based on freedom of religion, as long as you are the RIGHT kind a' Christian...... "Mighty White" of us! After all, Christ wouldn't have wanted to protect the vulerable, serve the less fortunate, or make sure that all people are entitled to health care.....

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