Friday, October 2, 2009

I Never Wanted to Be That Girl....

That girl who didn't have her act together. That girl who struggled. That girl who didn't make this world a better place.

When we dream of what we will be when we grow up it all seems so easy. It seems like we just have to follow a straight path from A to B and the world will bend to our will. It hasn't really happened that way for me!

I grew up as the "smart one". I was the middle sister. Smack between the Sporty one and the Pretty one. Our family also included the number one, and often-times prodigal son. We were all raised to believe we could have it all.

I wanted to be a doctor. DEFINITELY not a lawyer or God Forbid a REALTOR or HORSE TRAINER (that is definitely a hobby, not a profession). I wanted 12 kids (the Pretty one ended up with all the kids;) I wasn't sure I needed a husband. My father had failed in the husband area, so I couldn't at that time see what value a husband brought to a family (I have since learned and LOVE having a lifepartner).

I definitely wanted to go to an Ivy League School. Better yet, one of the Seven Sisters. I apply myself in high school. I graduate 3rd in my class. I interview, I SAT and I get into my school of choice. I also fill out an application to Purdue.....It was free.....and get a scholarship....My parents tell me I am going to Purdue.... Where the HECK is Purdue? INDIANA????? NO WAY..... Off to cornfields and cows I go....

Somewhere along the way I fall in love. I get married before graduation and move to KANSAS...

You get the picture... My life has not been a straight path from A to B. The road has many bends and turns. It is a good life....

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