Saturday, October 10, 2009

When we Need Help... I have a secret pass-time... I read blogs that I find inspirational. Blogs that make me feel small. Blogs that make me wonder what the purpose of my life is. Blogs that make me want to slow down, look at my children's faces. Enjoy the moments.

Have you ever had a moment so perfect that you stopped. You stopped and thought...REMEMBER ...the feel of the sun, the wind, the smell, the look of your loved one's expression.....I want more of these moments in my life. I wish I was a mom who took more pictures. Who carried my camera and captured those moments in more than my ever fading memory.

I every mom would reach out to others and ask for the help they need. Where did we all decide that we are failures if we ask for a hand. I have BEEN there. We ALL have been there. It is not failure to reach out and take help that has been offered. It is a cultural WIERDNESS that Mom's want to do it all themselves. We often need help, we seldom ask for it. ASK ME IF YOU NEED A HAND, I will be happy to help and I will then feel open to Ask you to help me.......

1 comment:

Momto16 said...

I love that blog Nina. I have read the blog more than once- the entire thing. I loved the family before the crash and I love them even more now. Stephanie is so inspirational!
Did you see them on Oprah? awesome.
We do need to cherish the moments more often and slow down and of course reach out for help when we need it!