Wednesday, January 14, 2009

When Nobody Cares

The Medical Advocacy Team has been working for weeks to bring a baby born with Spina Bfida to the U.S. for life saving surgery. This small infant has been fighting to stay alive while he waits, and waits, and WAITS for his paperwork to be ready. A wonderful Doctor and hospital in the U.S. have donated for his care and a family waits to host him. BUT IT JUST DOESN"T MATTER---Today his caregiver in Haiti said that nobody cares if a baby dies in Haiti. It happens all the time. It just doesn't matter. Haitian governmental officials just don't care or feel any urgency in getting his passport done so his life can be saved. His father has only looked at him ONCE in the last week. He shook his head and WALKED AWAY. His father does not want to stay at the clinic with him. He is inconvenienced by having to help with getting the passport and Visa approval for his son to travel. This is inconceivable to me. How does an entire culture get to the place where this small life is of no value. Where throwing up roadblocks in the process is ok? I have always felt sorry for the adult population in Haiti. They have so little, they suffer so much. Maslow's Hierarchy of needs seems to explain it best.'s_hierarchy_of_needs. Looking at it from a distance, it makes sense that a parent must have their needs for food, water and shelter met before they can move on to care for others. Emotionally my heart screams--HOW can a parent turn away from a child, HOW!!!

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