Monday, October 13, 2008

Feeling the PINCH

As the days have passed I have begun to contemplate how the current financial crisis effects me directly. It is all beginning to trickle down and I can clearly anticipate how this might affect me in the coming months. People are tightening their belts in anticipation of a long recession or depression (which I admit reflects my current state of mind!) All the pundits on TV are recommending paying down your debt and living within our means. This is wonderful advice and advice that I fight like most Americans on a daily basis. We all buy in to the fact that we can have it now and pay for it later. Living in a state of deferred payment makes for deep stresses that impact my daily life and the life of many around me. Many of my clients have seen their investments dwindle in the past weeks. Several of my long time clients are involved in finance and are facing heavy stress right now. I can only wonder if my horse training business will be impacted by belts tightening.....I know the housing market is grinding to a big pause right now. My buyers are struggling to find houses to view as few new options are making their way on to the market. My sellers are fielding "low ball" offers from investors looking to pick up a bargain. This all leads me to think of my colossal ill timing on becoming a realtor. I love my job. It is fun, exciting and I have made some wonderful new friends. I guess my mother was right, that law degree may be a good thing to fall back on one day.......

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