Zoe and Cynder-Ella (sometimes known as the "Stinky Pony") rocked the blinged out look and took first place. Zoe also participated in the bizarre "showmanship" class where (as Zoe put it) you do the catwalk with your pony.... I think a bit more practice is in order and then I am sure the pair will be bringing home the blue ribbons in that class too.
The best part was not Zoe's excitement over her ribbon, it was her gracious attitude when she didn't get a ribbon at all in her second class. I am proud when my children achieve something, but more proud when they show grace in defeat. Too many times I see parents who teach their children to be sore losers. There is much struggle and defeat in life and a child who is afraid to try because they might lose, or who gives up because they have lost will wander a long, sad road in this lifetime. From my years teaching kid's riding lessons I think that losing a class gives you a more important lesson than winning one.
Zoe was a bit unsure of what her number was while she was in the second class. She milled about a bit with her pony before coming out the gate. She asked me what her number was and what place she had gotten in the class. I replied "dead last" with a smile and she shrugged and hugged her pony and said "I still love Cynder the best, and at least she didn't pee"! (two of the placing horses had chosen to take the opportunity to urinate while the judge was writing down the results) We both laughed! That was a BIG proud moment for me.
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