Thursday, July 9, 2009

We Meet the Man with The Eyes!

Today was a very exciting day for Clepson. We finally got to meet the man who will be making his new eye! We had the long drive down to Kirkland and met Todd Cranmore and the staff at Erikson Labs Northwest. What warm and wonderful people. The work they do is AMAZING! Todd talked with Clepson and then pulled the old conformer out of Clepson's eye and opened a drawer filled with custom conformers and pulled one out that fit perfectly! The custom conformer fits much more securely around the implant and Clepson even learned how to put it in himself. YIPPEE! One happy host mom who wont have to tape a boys' eye shut! Clepson was thrilled and got to hold and examine a prosthetic eye that was waiting to be fitted. It was completely realistic.

The best part of the visit was finding out that Todd actually has gone on mission to Haiti and a group of eye professionals, including an oculist, go to Haiti every year and will be able to see Clepson yearly to keep his eye prosthesis comfortable as he grows. Clepson will still need a new prosthesis eventually, but this is a huge relief to know that the eye will be checked yearly and adjusted.

Clepson was happy to have a conformer in that will stay secure while he rides bikes and plays soccer. He is even allowed to go swimming with it in. Clepson will wear sport goggles while outside playing for now, as I am not wanting to make the trek back to Kirkland to have the conformer replaced if it pops out outside. The sport goggles look very cool and Noah is very envious! Clepson will get to take them home to protect his eyes when he is doing sports in Haiti. It will be important to protect his sighted eye as well as the prosthesis.

1 comment:

Starrgirl49 said...

Well, you answered my question! Because my son wears a prosthetic eye, I'm aware of the need for regular "maintenance". That concerned me for Clepson. Now I know he's going to be cared for in this regard, even in Haiti! Thank You, Lord!

Clepson, You're going to be amazed at how good you look! Better than ever! BIG hugs and prayers!
Martha Russell, Hereford, Texas